Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dean Obeidallah - Enemy of the First Amendment

Dean Obeidallah is a Muslim, Left-Wing New York City radio talk show host on Sirrus Progress Channel 127.  He first came into notoriety in 2013 when he was on a year end (December 31) discussion on the MSNBC Melissa Harris Perry show.  A photo of 2012 Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney with his family was shown including a black baby that one of his kids had adopted.  Dean Obeidallah quipped that this black toddler is an example of tokenism in the Republican party.  Melissa Harris Perry later made a tearful apology for that segment as it was insensitive.  Dean Obeidallah also had to retract his tasteless statement regarding the Romney baby.  In time Melissa Harris Perry proved too guano crazy for even MSNBC, and her show was cancelled. 

Dean Obeidallah updates Karl Marx for the 21st Century.  He talks almost daily about a racial struggle for political power of black and brown people and "our white allies" against "white supremacy."  It's no longer a political struggle between the working class and the rich as in Marx's writings.  He says that slavery is not America's original sin, but what he refers to as "White Supremacy," which is a catch all bogeyman that can mean whatever he and his fellow Jacobins want it to mean.  Let me state exactly what he means by "White Supremacy"  Western Civilization and its Judeo Christian roots.  Dean O wants to attack the core of this nation, for one he's a Muslim and Islam and Western Civilization do not mix.  Part of our roots are in the U.S. Constitution which has always been a bane to the Far-Left because it restrains their appetite for raw power.  You cannot have wealth confiscation, gun confiscation, censorship and a curb on religion, especially Christianity, under the U.S. Constitution.  If you can attack it and our heritage as White Supremacy you can get the revolutionary change you crave.  One of those freedoms in the Constitution is the freedom of speech.

If you who are reading this not "right wing" or white or all that political, I ask you this: does talk of a political/racial struggle of black and brown people and our white allies sound very American to you?  During the civil rights struggle of the 1950s and 1960s the message was about inclusion of black and brown people as full participants in American life.  Dean O talks about these things as a matter of conquest, but then he's just being a good Muslim. 

If you judge this as a hit piece against a Muslim Lefty, let me point out some thing: I listen to Dean's show only because I want to know what the enemy is up to and his show is about what the enemy is up to.  Plus, at the same time Dean O's show airs on Progress 127, on the Patriot 125 Mark Levin is on and I can't listen to him, he's too shrill.  I call him the barking Yorkie.  "Yip! Yip! Yip!"  Nobody is that angry all the damned time. Sean Hannity, is in my view, a dumb hack.  I mention I will be defending Fox News host Tucker Carlson who was kind enough to endorse my book The War on Smokers and the Rise of the Nanny State back in 2009 and he permitted me to write some columns for The Daily Caller as well has having me on Fox and Friends in January of 2013.  I am writing this column to inform readers of the true authoritarian nature of the Far-Left not to solely defend Tucker Carlson.  So if you still want to keep reading this, you will learn something about the Far-Left.  Be warned, they are serious in their intentions as you will read below. 

                  Dean Obedeliah talks about a struggle for power against white supremacy                                       with black and brown people and "our white allies."  
                                       Good thing radio isn't visual, right DeanO?

On Friday, April 9th, Dean O revealed his and the radical Left's true agenda.  He talked openly about his belief that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) should have the legal authority to silence some speech. As an example he erroneously stated that Antonin Scalia gave right wing think tanks what they wanted in the 2008 Washington D.C. vs. Heller Supreme Court case, which reaffirmed the right of private citizens to own arms.  I state erroneously because since the founding of the republic in 1789 and the ratification of the Constitution in 1791, Americans have always had the right to bear arms outside a well regulated militia.  Only in the 20th and 21st centuries in outliers like Chicago, New York, and Washington D.C. has that right been infringed.  Antonin Scalia, a true originalist on the high court, knew the Founders intended for ordinary citizens to have the right to own firearms. Dean O said that progressives, liberals, should be able to change the law so as to remove people like Tucker Carlson from speaking.  He stated that when people like Tucker say things that may be interpreted by his ilk to be racist or medically controversial, he should be censured from the airwaves.  He then went on to explain what he will tolerate.  He said that when right wingers say President Biden will raise their taxes, he's okay with their statements even though he deems them lies.  He, Dean O, will discern what others may be and my not be allowed to say.  

On this same day, April 9th, he took a call from a woman in the Los Angeles area who asked Dean how great it would have been had the FCC had the power to silence Rush Limbaugh when he was starting out.  Interestingly enough that desire to silence Rush Limbaugh was expressed by Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred in a 1991 CBS News 60 Minutes profile of Rush Limbaugh. 


On February 4th, Dean O had a conversation with Angelo Carusone of the left wing Media Matters for America group, which is on Jihad against Fox News.  Dean O  discussed in front of his Allah and everyone his and Media Matters desire to silence Fox News through public pressure and litigation.  Dean O mentioned that he does writing for Fox's competitors CNN and MSNBC.  Dean Obeidallah has stated on his show how he is a true defender of the First Amendment.  And yet, given his April 9th show, he sounds more like a used car salesman named "Honest Dean O."  I have listened to a LOT of right wing talk radio over the years.  And I mean a lot.  In all those broadcast hours, which may comprise thousands of hours, I have never heard a right wing talk show host discuss the need to legally censor anyone on the Left.  Nor have I ever heard discussion of economic boycotts against those on the Left.

 Dean O and Media Matters openly discuss on February 4th getting Fox News off cable and satellite carriers through public pressure and litigation.

Dean Obeidallah cites Tucker Carlson's espousal of "a replacement theory" as his reason for wanting Tucker Carlson censored.   Tucker Carlson has stated on his FOX News show that the Left, via the Biden Administration, is encouraging poor people from Central America to enter the United States southern border as future replacements for American citizens and these replacements would comprise a huge voting block that should keep the Democrat party in power.  The reason these immigrants can be a long term  benefit to the Democrats is that they are poor, and the Democrats are the party of free stuff.  Dean O, who is obsessed with Tucker Carlson, falsely claims this is racist commentary when in fact tens of millions of new immigrants from desperately poor countries are a potential gold mine of future Democrat voters.   Dean O wants Tucker removed, via the FCC, for saying these things.

Of course, the real reason Dean O and the Left hate Tucker Carlson is Tucker delivers  punishment nightly to the Left.  And if Tucker coughs more people will hear that lone cough than ever know the name of Dean Obeidallah.  I am actually doing this small media figure a favor by writing about him.  But I must write about him because he is the underbelly of the  Left, which is not Liberal but authoritarian. 

After the January 6th riot by Trump supporters at the Capitol, Dean Obeidallah said that Trump flags are no different from the ISIS flags of the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.  When you compare Trump supporters to terrorists like ISIS, you are advocating violence against them.  He refers to former President Trump as Donald Bin Laden.

When you compare Trump supporters to  terrorists like ISIS, you are advocating violence against them. 

On Tuesday, April 26th, Dean said something in the first hour of his show that was a new low  even for him, and he must own it.  He said the January 6th riot on the U.S. Capitol, by supporters of President Trump, was worse than the attacks of September 11, 2001!  Symbolically at least - he said.  He added, that more people died on September 11th.  How white of him.  Of course as a Muslim he probably would want white, Christian Trump supporters to be worse than his fellow Muslims who carried out the September 11, 2001 attacks.  And yes Dean, there were more deaths on 9/11, almost 3,000 more.

Everything you need to know about Dean Obeidallah can be summed up in a phone conversation he had on Monday, April12th in the first hour of his show.  That day there had been protests in Minnesota over a weekend accidental shooting by police of a 20 years-old black man named Duante Wright, who tried to flee from his arrest for an outstanding warrant.  The police officer attempting to arrest him pulled out her gun instead of her taser.   A black man called into Dean Obeidallah's show from Philadelphia complaining about how black men, to use the callers words, "Do stupid shit everyday."  The caller went on for about a minute longer to complain about how young black men, in the callers community,  wake up everyday and think about, "What  stupid shit they can do today?"  Dean Obeidallah cut the black caller off and denounced him as, are you ready for this,  " White Supremacist."  Yes, if you are black and you call the Dean O show with legitimate complaints about your own community, Dean O will angrily hang up on you and you will somehow become a White Supremacist.  It must be magic.

A couple of final notes: Dean Obeidallah's bio states that he has worked as a comedian. I've listened to him for the greater part of a year.  He's never said anything funny.  And I mean that.   A reaction to humor is involuntary and if you have to ask yourself, "Am I allowed to laugh at this?" then it's highly likely that something funny was said.  I've never heard Dean O say anything funny.  Perhaps that's why he's now a talk radio host and not touring as a comedian.