Friday, November 18, 2016

Counter Culture Hissy Fits

  I voted for Gary Johnson for President.  He was not my ideal candidate, but I think he was the most qualified having been a reasonably, successful two-term governor of New Mexico.  And anyone who can convince folks twice to let him live in a mansion in Santa Fe , rent free, must be pretty clever.   Since we have an electoral college system, and therefore 50 state elections, I could vote my conscience.   If you voted for Trump and don't want to read any further let me leave you with this – I'm not here for you to agree with everything I write.  I am a truth teller and therefore an equal opportunity offender.  Having written that, I am relieved Hillary will not be president and am prepared to support this new president even though I have misgivings about him.

  Today, I picked up the entertainment tabloid The Voice which took the place of Urban Tulsa after UT folded some years ago.  The Voice is a publication of Langdon Publishing who  publish Tulsa [Rich] People magazine.   It is a magazine for, by, and about the elite of Tulsa.  While it is called Tulsa People the Tulsa people who live east of Harvard, north of Admiral, and west of the Arkansas River are never seen in its pages.  The Voice, is a publication for, by, and about millennial snowflakes. 

  This issue of The Voice was full of lamentations about the election of Donald Trump.   Barry Friedman, who never seemed to like it here much, was writing about how backward and awful the majority of Oklahoma voters were in picking Trump and what an awful place Oklahoma is.  Several years ago I read Barry's autobiography about his life as a stand up comedian.  Hey Barry, you are from New York -move back home!  That state has lots of progressives (liberals) like yourself, and they are in charge!  Go ahead, pay two to three times what you pay here – for everything!  Frankly Barry, you're a bore.

  But this column is not about Barry's lament.  I kept my powder dry for Denver Nicks on page seven who penned what Denver calls – Two Open Letters After Trump.  One was to Trump supporters and the other was for everyone else.  In the open letter to Trump supporters Denver wrote:, 
“I also want you to know that I don't believe you all to be racists, bigots and white nationalists, [feel the love] but there are bigots and racists speaking for you right now.” 
 There's a Yiddish word to summarize this back-handed compliment - “Dreck.”  You probably don't have to know a word of Yiddish to know what “Dreck” means.
  On page six there is also a letter from The Voice managing editor Joshua Kline about the election which is also pure dreck.

  But the worst, comes from the open letter by Denver Nicks: To The Rest of Us (i. e. those of us who didn't vote for Trump).   In it Denver quotes a friend named Mischa Benovit-Lavelle - are you ready for this?  It's a dozy!  
“We're younger, smarter, and more competent than them.  We can push the needle back,  How do we start?”
  Well, Mischa dear, you are younger, smarter and more competent than the rest of us hicks, you figure it out.
Did you get that?  “We are younger, smarter, and more competent than the rest of you!”
The contempt, the disdain these people have for the rest of us!  These folks hate those of you who live in places like Wagoner, and Chelsea (not the Manhattan neighborhood but the one in Rogers County).   

  Nazi propaganda depicted Slavs as sub-human ape like people to be subjugated.   When you read, “We are younger, smarter, and more competent” you see the same mindset and that mindset must be defeated!  Keep in mind, the Nazi's viewed slaves as sub-human to be subjugated.  They compared Jews to vermin for extermination.  Subjugation is just one step away.  

  There are a lot of good people in this country who are less than enthused by Donald Trump and they were equally less than enthused by Hillary Clinton.  But going forward, there are some people who are not reasonable, like the protestors destroying property in bastions of Trumpism Portland Oregon and the writers for The Voice.  These people must be rebuked and defeated in the arena of ideas.