"We believe in the right to life, and we believe the unborn have an equal claim to that right as the born." Source: 2010 House campaign website,www.maryfallin.org, "Issues" , Nov 2, 2010
To quote a title of Tulsa novelist S.E. Hinton - “That was Then, This is Now.”
On the Friday afternoon of May 20th, Governor Mary Fallin vetoed Senate Bill 1552 that would have effectively outlawed the practice of abortion in the state of Oklahoma. The bill by Broken Arrow Senator Nathan Dahm would have made it a felony for any doctor to perform an abortion in the state. Governor Fallin's office stated she vetoed the bill because it was too vague and wouldn't withstand legal scrutiny. It is worth noting Senator Dahm arranged legal counsel, at no charge to the state, to defend the bill had it become law. Last year, according to Senator Dahm, she promised him and his legal counsel that she would support their proposed bill outlawing abortion. That was then, this is now.